Newsletter For
My Fuel Tax
2017 July Edition
My Fuel Tax Version 4.0
July is of course the filing month for the second quarter. Now is a good time to make sure that your fuel tax program subscription is renewed for another year.
The current build of the program is 0107 and contains the latest tax rates and rate codes for 2Q2017.
We added a new feature to the tripentry form. It’s a MPG or KPL calculator that displays the current MPG or KPL value for the truck you are working on. The MPG will change as you enter more miles and fuel. You can toggle between MPG and KPL by clicking on the label next to the box (see picture). We hope that by checking this value during data entry you can more easily check data entry errors, like forgetting a decimal point in a fuel entry. We hope you will find this feature helpful.
We also would like to remind you that all of your data is stored where the program is installed. That means that it is not stored on the cloud unless you installed the program there, or back the data up there. The software comes with a backup and restore feature that you can access from the tools menu. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Please don’t hesitate to call us if you run into something unexpected or have a question about how to get things done. The number again is: 603-206-9977. Email address is: [email protected].
If you don’t currently have My Fuel Tax on your computer, you may download it using the links below:
Until next time,
Kind Regards,
Hessel Flach & David Parise
[email protected]
You are welcome to visit our website at:
Tel. 603-206-9977
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