My Fuel Tax 4.01 build 0103 – July 2016

          Newsletter For

My Fuel Tax
2016 July Edition

My Fuel Tax Version 4.0

We have updated and renamed our web site. The new URL is: The new logo is:


Please take a look and update your bookmarks or favorites. The current build of the program is 0103. This version has the latest fuel tax rates and rate codes for 2Q2016. As always, thank you all for your continued support.

Please don’t hesitate to call us if you run into something unexpected or have a question about how to get things done. The number again is: 603-206-9977.  Email address is:  [email protected].

If you don’t currently have either My Fuel Tax or My Fleet Manager on your computer, you may download them using the links below:


Until next time,

Kind Regards,
Hessel Flach & David Parise
[email protected]
You are welcome to visit our website at:
Tel. 603-206-9977

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